Montreal and Quebec City Chapters

Share to be inspired and rise TOGETHER
In 2019, Virginie Audet, President of Audet Branding, was asked to launch the first French-language chapter of the Women Presidents Organization (WPO). Thanks to her talent for leadership and unique approach to facilitating meetings, she created a WOW effect on member attraction and retention. This success earned her the presidency of Chapters I, II, and III in Montreal, as well as the Quebec City Chapter.

The WPO is a privileged and confidential place for women presidents, business owners, and senior management to discuss issues and opportunities, both professionally and personally. Many international training courses, including those of Harvard University, are now accessible and adapted to the needs of these exceptional women.
”Facilitating exchanges between high-calibre members from varied fields of the business is my greatest pleasure. These inspiring and engaged discussions help break isolation and create invaluable connections.
Is the WPO right for me?
- Have you ever dreamed of being part of a “board” of women business owners, entrepreneurs, and directors? Women who are among the most influential in their industry and who are driven to create wealth and make a difference?
- Are you ambitious, seeing growth and want to exchange, share, and confide with your peers in complete confidentiality about your large-scale projects, challenges or multimillion dollar opportunities?
- Are you looking for a place that offers mutual aid, a sympathetic ear, and close camaraderie without judgment or competition?
- Do you prefer hybrid meetings in case of unforeseen trips, family issues or going abroad for your projects?

Here are just some of the benefits:
- Each chapter includes a maximum of 15/20 members, all from different fields of expertise and backgrounds in order to maintain the confidentiality of the exchanges
- A forum of high-level women leaders from a wide range of non-competitive industries
- Access to 2,000 local, national and international members
- International virtual training, annual conferences, Harvard training, etc.